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Y.013 (2006)
V/A - La Brocante Mp3

An Anniversary Tribute To Abyssa Netlabel -

For its first birthday, Abyssa Netlabel asked few artists to put online some unreleased / abandonned / new tracks for Abyssa's listeners. All these tracks are now on a Sampler called " La Brocante Mp3 ".

It is also a mean for you to discover some new stuff that we'd like you to listen to.

With your help and support, we will stand here for a long time, I hope...

Spread this link everywhere !



CD1 (Y.013a)

l'arme a gauche - Mayfly
shizuka - Le trou
.cut vs the vomit arsonist - me myself and my clarknova
candidempire - candy raus
kiss my farkin - jerk chicken
jkp - l apesenteur
a broken moment - dedale
giscard le survivant - peripateticiennes et friteries
serial industrie - la verite
e.mission - mindfield/1to1point618 (perfect destroyer emission remix)
blackula - popsong for the alienated
theoretical limit - abandonned guitard tracks
transfer_error - esper
.cut feat gibet - philippe f (pi remix by ice age )
betahistine - carpati

CD2 (Y.013b)

Lambwool - your picture
miscere - Libera me
tansfer_error - reaktor 01
kiss my farkin - granulator dog
two years collide - assault
lennart järven jönsson - flaende
botchanimal - Les lamentations du seducteur decapite
cortex - no one rave
pris/m - pris/m strikes back
SeaMySide - rust of history
seeker feat. melodie maker - syntax error
planetaldol - des effluves pour d'autres colons
SeaMySide - the great corrupt
.cut feat. gibet - your naked dead body (live at grand guignol 01/2006 )

More materials / mp3 / website / myspace of these bands

.cut (website / Label ) Gibet The Vomit Arsonist ( website )
Planetaldol (3pattes)
A broken moment
Giscard Le survivant
Kiss My Farkyn
Serial Industrie
L'Arme A Gauche
Shizuka ( label )
Theoretical Limit
Transfer ERROR
Lennart Järven Jönsson
Melodie Maker / website

Thanks to all of you !

All mp3, artworks, texts, pictures, logo releases on the site fall under a Creative Commons license, which means they are free for you to download and distribute as you wish, as long as it is not done for profit. ABYSSA is a non-profit project based in France, created for the music in reaction to the bizness-music-model, and with the intention of realeasing unsigned artists to help them to get a little more exposure. All rights of the artists and their recorded material are reserved. All tracks and graphics are copyright of their respective authors.


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